15 Jun

My journey to becoming a solution focused hypnotherapist

I am a student clinical solution focused hypnotherapist, I started my journey into this fascinating new career back in November 2019.

I have for over 25 years been fascinated by hypnotherapy and had always wanted to study it, but family life and a career as an approved driving instructor had meant that it got put on the back burner. So just before my 67th birthday I took the decision that it was time for a career change. I was drawn to solution focused hypnotherapy and signed up with the Clifton Practice, they have achieved the industries gold standard. 

It turned out to be a great choice and in November 2019 I met my classmates for the first time, from the very first weekend of our course we were expected to see clients to practice our skills on. The course is very comprehensive and combines psychotherapy with hypnotherapy and elements of NLP it also includes a module on marketing and business set up so that by the time I qualify in August 2020 I should already have a business ready to go.

Solution focused hypnotherapy works very quickly to help clients suffering from anxiety, depression, insomnia and a whole host of other problems. We have been taught how our brain works and what causes us to suffer from anxiety and depression. The lessons explaining the neuroscience are fascinating and showed us how plastic our brains are and that we can relatively quickly re-train our brains to the three P’s that are so important to our mental well being. Positive thoughts positive actions and positive interactions. As solution focused hypnotherapist we don’t need to know what caused our clients to lose the three P’s, we never look back at past problems, unlike most other therapies we encourage, and equip our clients with the metaphorical tools to look for solutions to finding the three P’s again. Positive thoughts positive actions and positive interactions that are so important for our mental well-being as they ensure that we have a steady supply of feel good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin as these help us deal with whatever life has in store with us. 

Unlike most other and talking therapies solution focused hypnotherapy works very quickly most clients needing between 8 to 12 sessions, some may need more some may need less, phobias just need four sessions! 

As I near the end of my course I’m excited to start building my business and helping my clients improve their mental well-being and equip them with the ‘tools’ for enjoying the rest of their lives in a mentally healthy positive way.

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